Saturday 19 December 2015

Update On AG GOTY 2016

I have confirmed that the GOTYS name will be...Lea Clark!  I have included some pictures of Lea and some of her clothes/accessories down below.  From the outfits I have seen, my favourite outfit so far would have to be Lea's 2 in 1 swim outfit.  Lea will be available for purchase on January 1st, 2016 and if you are one of the lucky first ones at the American Girl stores on January 1st, 2nd and 3rd, you will receive a giveaway from AG.  I can't wait for Lea to come out in 2016 but aren't you AG fans going to miss Grace??  I know I am going to miss her.  I will be posting a review of Grace in the next fews days as a tribute to 2015.  If you have any questions or requests please comment down below. Blog to you later :D

18Inch doll of GOTY 2016, photos courtesy of Lissieandlilly.

Lea's 2 in 1 swimsuit