Thursday 31 December 2015

Farewell American Girl Grace

I am soooooo sad that Grace will be retiring today.  Her collection is one of my favourite GOTY AG collections of all time.  I like Grace's collection and the doll herself because she likes to cook and bake and I too like to bake up sweet treats! Her outfits are very stylish with a flair of french fashion. Her furniture nicely compliments the Paris theme and vibe of her personality. I love Grace's facial features - especially her blue eyes and freckles and her brown hair with highlights - just like me!  She could actually be a copy of me.  If I had to choose my top 2 items from her collection, I would choose.... Grace's pastry cart and Grace's opening night outfit.

Sad as I am that Grace will be leaving today, I am looking forward to Lea Clark's arrival tomorrow as she debuts as the new GOTY of 2016!  Guess what? Today I got my AG catalogue in the postal mail!  From what I have seen my favourite item is ..... Lea's rainforest house!  Don't worry guys,  tomorrow Lea's whole collection will be available online to purchase and in stores that are actually open on January 1st!  Farewell Grace, today is your last day to shine so enjoy it (we all loved and cherished you).  Well when Lea's out, I might have to go on a shopping spree!  Blog to you later :D

Grace's opening night outfit and pastry cart

Lea's rainforest house

1 comment:

  1. I actually like the pastry cart too. Grace is unique.
