Tuesday 27 January 2015

Saige vs My AG #61

A lot of people say that My AG #61 looks like Saige GOTY 2013, but she does not.  I have done some research and I have found 3 pictures that I have included below.

Saige has the classic face mold, feather eyebrows, blue eyes, dark red curly hair, light skin and freckles. She was the GOTY 2013 but she is now retired. #61 has the Sonali face mold (BFF of GOTY 2009 Chrissa), feather eyebrows, green eyes, red/orange curly hair and light skin.  She is a new My AG doll that was released summer 2014.
Everyone thinks that they have the same hair colour but they don't!  There are actually many different kinds of red hair. In the third picture below,(from agoverseasfan) you will see the dolls hair colour side by side.
As for the face molds, they don't have the same face molds.  There are actually 8 different kinds of face molds for AG dolls. Saige has a classic face mold that came out in 2008 and My AG doll #61 has the Sonali  face mold that came out in 2009.
Green eyes, blue eyes!  Saige has blue and My AG doll #61 has green.
Saige has freckles and My AG doll #61 does not.

After this comparison, do you think they look the same? I do not think they look the same!

Side by side photo

Saturday 24 January 2015

This Or That?

These are 2 pictures of Kanani in 2 different AG outfits.  In the first picture, Kanani is dressed for the wintery weather. She is wearing the winter white outfit that has earmuffs, a vest, a shirt, shorts, tights and boots. In the second picture, Kanani is ready for the summer weather of Hawaii and the warm surfing waters.  Kanani is on her paddle board and wearing her one piece swimsuit with her swim shorts.  I have a question for you, would you rather be dressed for winter or summer?  I would rather be dressed for summer and enjoying the beaches of Hawaii. I loveeeee to swim! In the summer picture, you will notice that Kanani's hair is pulled back from her face. I braided her hair and I added her flower clip.
I love taking Kanani to different places like to birthday parties and to the American Girl store.  She is awesome and so much fun to play with!

Sunday 11 January 2015

Vacation In Hawaii With Kanani

Its cold outside so I was just dreaming of me in Hawaii. Then it came to me... a blast from the past... Kanani!  The GOTY 2011, she is soooo pretty.  I wanted her for like 2 or 3 years and then a miracle happened.  My mom managed to get her for me. She has hazel eyes, brown long wavy hair and medium skin. Her hair is a little hard to care for sometimes though. She is obviously from Hawaii. One day I will get to Hawaii I tell you. When I do, I will bring Kanani :)  I will post more on Kanani later this week.  For now, I will leave you with the image of a cool island breeze and the warm waters of Hawaii...

Sunday 4 January 2015

American Girl Place!!!

I had so much fun at American Girl Place celebrating the launch of the GOTY2015 Grace Thomas.  When I went, they where handing out grace doll aprons and I got one! They put everyone in groups so me and my friend were in group 2.  I brought Isabelle with me but she was not happy.  She was sad that AG replaced her so it was hard getting her to take a picture but I finally did.  Grace's collection is really nice but her big cafe is too much money.  AG priced it at $500.  I think that's really high don't you?  Grace's outfits are too cute.  I absolutely love her city outfit! I call Grace's city outfit her Valentine's Day outfit.  I think the bistro set is nice but I think it should come with two chairs instead of one so then 2 dolls can eat together. I love the apron it looks great on my dolls!  Here are some pictures of Grace's collection!

Thursday 1 January 2015


Happy New Year Everyone!!!!  Grace's collection rocks, it's so cute!!! I am sad that Isabelle is retired though:(  If you want to see Grace's collection you can go to the American Girl website.  I will be going to American Girl  store tomorrow and I will try to take some pictures for you guys!!! Blog to you later!