Sunday 25 November 2018

American Girl Contemprary Characters NO MORE???

Recent information posted on the American Girl website indicates, that the following Contemporary characters are going to be retiring on December 31st, 2018 :
  • Tenney Grant
  • Logan Everette
  • Z Yang
And finally not a Contemporary character, but the Girl Of The Year 2018.....
  • Gabriela McBride
If you would like more information on these dolls farwells, click on the following respective links that will take you to AG's website.  I am so sad that these dolls are retiring, but AG will bring in some other great dolls maybe even some better dolls.  Blog to you later :D

Tenney & Logan's Link:


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I am so sorry I did not mean to delete the comment. You asked what is the hardest Contemporary character doll to find, probably Z. I have not seen her at any of the locations.
