Sunday 24 January 2016

My American Girl Visit with the 2016 GOTY Lea Clark!

I went to the AG store to check out the new GOTY 2016 Lea Clark!  She is soooooooo pretty in real life and I absolutely love her carmel long wavy hair.  I love the fact that in her story she gets to travel to Brazil and swim in the ocean while exploring wildlife.  I am very impressed with her collection especially her rainforest house.  Her rainforest house includes: a straw like roof, a shower on one side of the house, a pink hammock with blue/purple stripes on the other side of the house, a bed that is movable so you can make it high or low, a mattress, a blanket and a pillow, food and drinks, a table and a chair, a stone oven, a small blue tablet, a light up lantern, a parrot, a basket, soap and a towel, butterflies you can put all over the house and scenes for the window (you can change the scenes from day or night).  The rainforest house is probably my favourite piece from Lea's whole collection. If I had the room for the rainforest house at my own house, I would buy it in a snap.

Front of Lea's rainforest house
Lea's cat Margay

Lea's sloth and her hammock

Lea's shower on her rainforest house  

Lea's fruit stand also looks fun to play with.  Her fruit stand comes with a parrot that is so cute so I had to put a photo of it down below .

Lea's fruit stand

Lea's parrot from her fruit stand

When I was at the AG store,  I decided to buy her swim set and her sea turtle (I named my turtle Turtiely).  Overall, I think AG did a wonderful job on Lea Clark and her collection but I still think  that AG kind of took some elements from Kanani's collection (GOTY 2011) and also Mckenna (GOTY 2012), Jess (GOTY 2006) and Rebecca (BeForever doll).  For example, Kanani's adventures involve the beach and swimming just like Lea's.  Mckenna has the same hair colour and they both have the Josephina's face mold.  Rebecca and Lea both have the Josephina face mold, curly hair, hazel eyes but Rebecca does have more brown in her eyes and Lea has more green in her eyes.  The only things Rebecca and Lea do not have in common is the length and hair color and Lea's skin tone is more tanned then Rebecca's skin tone.  Jess has some of the same items as Lea such a kayak and a hammock set.

Well, I don't know about you but I definitely have Lea Clark's whole collection on the top of my wish list, Christmas is only a 11 months away, right?  Blog to you later:)


  1. Can you buy the rainforest house in Canada?

    1. If you would like to purchase the rainforest house in Canada then you would have to purchase it at the Indigo or Chapters store.

  2. Fruit stand vs. Kanani stand. which do you recommend?

    1. I would recommend Kanani's shave ice stand because I like the hawaiian details on the shave ice stand, but Lea's fruit stand does come with more items then the Kanani's shave ice stand.
