Friday 8 January 2016

American Girl Beforever Melody Ellison Book is Now Available for Purchase!

American Girl has announced that you can now buy the new Beforever Melody Ellison book!  The entire doll collection will be released in the summer 2016.

Here is an excerpt from the American Girl website...

Melody Ellison is an optimistic, enthusiastic girl growing up in Detroit, Michigan during the civil rights movement of the 1960s. She’s excited and proud to share a special surprise with her family—she’s been chosen to sing a solo for Youth Day at her church! But what song will she choose? She gets advice from her big brother, and is also inspired by her older sister, but it’s the inspirational words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. that help her pick the perfect song.

There are many unfair things happening during Melody’s time, even to people in her own family. But it’s an unimaginable tragedy in the South that leaves Melody silent. Who can help her lift her voice and sing —who will inspire her to “keep stepping”? 

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