Thursday 19 March 2015

New African American Girl Doll?

One of my searches revealed the following...American Girl's Facebook page indicates that in 2016, there will be a new African American Doll released.

The last African American doll that was created by American Girl was in 2011 and her name was Cecile.  Cecile was the companion of Marie-Grace and their story was based in the 1850's in New Orleans.  Unfortunately, with the launch of the new BeForever line in the summer of 2014, both characters were discontinued.

Check out the post directly from the source - American Girl.  This is exciting news!

American Girl Monique, we are proud to feature one of the most inclusive and diverse selections of dolls today, and we look forward to creating new products that celebrate girls’ countless unique qualities in the future. We have two African-American characters in our historical line and are pleased to share that we have exciting plans for another new African-American BeForever character in 2016. Stay tuned for more details!

My First American Girl Doll!

My. First.  American Girl Doll.  I found out about American Girl in 2011.  After begging and begging my parents, they surprised me in 2012 on our visit to American Girl Place in LA.  I did not know who to choose??  I was going to get Mckenna which was the GOTY 2012 at that time but then my eyes were drawn to the  My American Girl dolls section. When I was looking at the My American Girl dolls, I fell in love with My American Girl #23.  She was the one.  It was official!  I was getting my first american girl doll and she was going to be My AG  #23 but I had not chosen a name yet. Hmmm...I thought about for a while and then it came to me.  Emma. Her name would be Emma.

Now that I have 6 American Girl dolls, everyone asks me, do you have a favorite?  Most people that have more than 1 one doll, would naturally say they love them all.  I too love them all but the truth for me... I do have a favorite.  It will always be Emma.  Emma's talents are swimming, art, dance and hair styling.  Emma has her ears pierced just like mine:)  Emma has pencil eyebrows, light skin, blue eyes, freckles, the classical face mold and pretty brown wavy hair.  What a doll!  If your are looking for a new addition to your American Girl doll family, then I highly recommend My American Girl #23 (Emma to me). In the picture down below, you will see Emma in her purple elephant t-shirt made by yours truly, green shorts and has a fancy side bun in her hair.

I hoped you loved learning about Emma. Who is your favorite doll?

Sunday 8 March 2015

World Wide Saige Day!

Its official!  March 1st is World Wide Saige Day (at least in my world)!  I got the Girl of The Year 2013 Saige.  I saved up enough money and I took the plunge to get her.  Speaking of taking the plunge, her main talent is swimming, with a speciality in diving.  She also has a talent for art and loves to write stories.  Saige also loves puppies.  She might get a puppy soon but for now she is still thinking of a name.  I lovveee Saige's hair - it is just so much fun to style.  Any outfit you dress Saige in, she just looks amazing and cute in it!  Check out the pic below as she rocks a pink AG side-tie shirt, grey skirt, headband and her brown boots that came with her meet outfit.  Her favorite colors are turquoise and hot pink (just like her bow on the headband).  Her and Emma get along so well its like they are besties :)  Well I have to go now because the girls need their hair done, so I guess I will blog to you later:),