Thursday 27 April 2017

Newest American Girl Doll Character Suzie "Z" Yang!!!

AG's newest contemporary character..... Suzie "Z" Yang, is now finally available for purchase!  You can purchase her on AG's website and stores around the world, Indigo/Chapters website, store and kiosk in Canada or Amazon!  I now know what I'm saving up for just by one look at her collection ;D

"Z" reminds me of Jess McConell GOTY 2006 and My AG/Truly Me #30.  She looks like Jess because they both have the Jess face mold, they have the same hair color, the same hair part and they both have "almond" shaped eyes.  Z looks like #30 because they both have the Jess face mold, "almond" shaped eyes, same hair color, the same hair length, same hair part and they both have feather eyebrows.  If you think about it, all 3 of them look kind of the same!!!

AG's official website link -
Indigo/Chapters website link -
Amazon's website link -

Suzie "Z" Yang Contemporary Character 2017
Image result for jess mcconnell goty 2006
Jess McConelle GOTY 2006
Image result for ag doll my ag #30
Truly Me/My AG #30

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