Tuesday 14 February 2017

NEW 2017 AMERICAN GIRL DOLLS: Tenney, Logan, Suzie, Nanea, Felicity

Check out this AG Facebook link for a preview of new dolls debuting with American Girl:


→ New Contemporary Characters: Tenney and Logan are bandmates and will be debuting in 2 days on February 16!
→ Felicity will be back with an updated Beforever line.  She originally retired in 2010.
→ New Beforever character launching in the Fall 2017 is Nanea Mitchell.  Her story will take place in 1941 near the start of World War 11.  She will feature a new AG face mold and her background is Hawaiian!
→ New Contemporary Character named "Z" aka Suzie Yang.  She will be Korean-American descent and will be featured on the first live-action adventure on Amazon in the near future.

Stay tuned for more information!

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