Sunday 4 December 2016

Picture of American Girl Doll Tenney Grant: New Contemporary Character Line?

The mystery continues...who is the new GOTY 2017?  In a previous blog post, I indicated that there was a new doll in production named Tenney.  New rumours have been going around saying that Tenney Grant will be the newest doll on AG's new Contemporary Character Line that will debut sometime in 2017!  Here is some information about Tenney Grant, that I have found when I was researching:

1) Some of Tenney's features will include: light skin, blond wavy/curly hair, brown eyes
2) Her full name will be Tennyson Grant (Nickname will be Tenney)
3) She will be from Nashville, Tennessee
4) Her books release date will be on January 31st 2017 (Tenney will release after her book)
5) She will have dog that is a Golden Retriever breed, it will be named Waylon
6) She will have a little brother that will be named Logan 
7) Logan will be available for purchase and will debut with Tenney...a boy doll to debut? 
8) Tenney and Logan will both have differently shaped hands/joints to be able to play their musical instruments
9) Tenney plays the banjo, guitar, and loves to perform
10) Her bff is Jaya. 

I can't wait for Tenney to realease๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŽ€  Here is a leaked image of Tenney and her BFF Jaya. 

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait for her release. She reminds me of Taylor Swift.
