Saturday 31 December 2016

A New Member To My American Girl Doll Family??? A Farewell To Lea Clark GOTY 2016 :(

I would like to welcome the newest member of my American Girl doll collection.... Lea Clark GOTY 2016.  Lea's features include: long wavy caramel hair, hazel eyes, light skin, feathered eyebrows and she has the Josephina face mold.  Lea loves animals. My Lea has a sea turtle and a cute little puppy!  Lea also loves to swim and do gymnastics.  Lea's favorite colors are purple and lime green.  If you see Lea walking down the street, you would see her wearing a purple and green outfit or a wacky but beautiful beach dress.  Lea does have a BSTTEOT (Best Sister Till The End Of Time)!  It is... Kanani Akina!  The 2 of them get a long so well because they both love animals as both of their stories take place on an island / tropical destination ( Lea's stories takes place in Brazil and Kanani's takes place in Hawaii).  Best of all - they just love spending time together!  All this talk about Lea makes me realize that I am going to miss her collection so much when she retires at 11:59pm today😢

Lea's collection was one of the best collections out of the AG doll GOTY's.  My favorite furniture item of her collection was the Rainforest House (a mini house for your doll - what could be better).  It had a cozy bed to sleep in, a little hammock to chill in, a shower to get washed off, a stove to make amazing foods and a table for her to eat all the delicious Brazilian foods that she had cooked or eat raw from the gardens.  My favorite outfit would have to be Lea's beach dress because it was a good outfit to go to the beach in, chill in or even venture off to the market or shop.  My favorite pet was... the SEA TURTLE because it is just so cute and tiny!  I fell in love with the turtle as soon as layed eyes on was actually the first Lea item I purchased! 

We will all miss you Lea (but if you have the doll at home you can still enjoy playing with her) but we can't be so gloomy because Gabriella McBride is coming out!  AHHHHH!!  Gabriella will be available for purchase starting tomorrow, January 1st 2017.  Happy New Year AG fans!

Will you be purchasing Gabriella? 

The GOTY 2016 Lea Clark

Image result for lea's rainforest house
Lea's Rainforest House
Image result for lea's beach dress
Lea's Beach Dress

Image result for lea's turtle
Lea's Sea Turtle

Thursday 29 December 2016

American Girl of the Year 2017 Gabriela Officially Revealed Today

American Girl of the Year (GOTY) 2017 was officially unveiled today on the morning show "Good Morning America".  The doll is a beauty.  Gabriela McBride is a dancer, poet and from Philadelphia. Click on the link below for the GMA release.

Tuesday 27 December 2016

American Girl Doll GOTY 2017: Gabriella McBride Clues!

Everyday the AG website will have a new clue about the AG GOTY 2017 Gabriella McBride!  Here is the link to the AG website so you AG fans can see all the new clues everyday:

Sunday 11 December 2016


Here she is!!! The American Girl GOTY 2017 is Gabriela McBride.  Gabriela is the first African-American AG GOTY of all time.  Gabriela's features include curly dark brown hair, brown eyes, feathered eyebrows, dark skin and she has the Sonali (from AG GOTY 2009 Chrissa's Collection) face mold.  When you purchase Gabriela, she arrives with her hair up in a high ponytail, a pink headband, an aqua blue tank top with a quarter length purple shirt on top that says "dream" in cursive, blue jeans, purple sneakers with blue on the design and her meet book.  I am so excited for her arrival but I am mostly excited about her whole collection!  I will keep you AG fans updated on any new information on AG GOTY 2017 Gabriela McBride!

Wednesday 7 December 2016

BREAKING NEWS!!! American Girl Doll GOTY 2017 Book Cover!!

I was trying to find some more information on AG GOTY 2017, and I came across a leaked image of Gabriela McBride's Meet (Book 1) Book Cover.  I included 2 different view formats of the book cover (same pic). I wonder what the doll leak will look like??????💛

Sunday 4 December 2016

Picture of American Girl Doll Tenney Grant: New Contemporary Character Line?

The mystery continues...who is the new GOTY 2017?  In a previous blog post, I indicated that there was a new doll in production named Tenney.  New rumours have been going around saying that Tenney Grant will be the newest doll on AG's new Contemporary Character Line that will debut sometime in 2017!  Here is some information about Tenney Grant, that I have found when I was researching:

1) Some of Tenney's features will include: light skin, blond wavy/curly hair, brown eyes
2) Her full name will be Tennyson Grant (Nickname will be Tenney)
3) She will be from Nashville, Tennessee
4) Her books release date will be on January 31st 2017 (Tenney will release after her book)
5) She will have dog that is a Golden Retriever breed, it will be named Waylon
6) She will have a little brother that will be named Logan 
7) Logan will be available for purchase and will debut with Tenney...a boy doll to debut? 
8) Tenney and Logan will both have differently shaped hands/joints to be able to play their musical instruments
9) Tenney plays the banjo, guitar, and loves to perform
10) Her bff is Jaya. 

I can't wait for Tenney to realease💖😊🎀  Here is a leaked image of Tenney and her BFF Jaya.