Sunday 20 November 2016

My Dream Girl Of The Year American Girl Doll

My dream doll is Ava GOTY 2019!  When you purchase the Ava doll she arrives in a pink and aqua striped dress, white sandals, white underwear with a soccer symbol on it, a purple knapsack with her script, soccer clothes, lunch and water bottle in it.  Her meet hairstyle is 2 braids, 1 braid on each side.  Ava's features include bright green eyes, long wavy dark brown hair, light/tan skin, the classic face mold and feathered eyebrows.  Ava does not like hockey too much but her younger brother is a hockey player so she has to support him during his games by cheering him on!  Meanwhile, Ava is a competitive soccer player and an aspiring actress.  She recently auditioned for The Wizard Of Oz play at her school and she landed the lead role of Dorothy!  The only problem is she has to balance between soccer and the play, which is very difficult for Ava.  Ava's worst nightmare just happened, an injury!  Ava was running with the ball up the field during a soccer game and some girl tripped her and when she fell she ended up twisting her ankle!  Can Ava push through all these bumps on the road to get somewhere over the rainbow?

That's my dream Girl Of The Year 2019 Ava!  If you had to create your very own American Girl GOTY what would your dolls story be?💖


  1. Who is your favorite GOTY ever? Why?

    1. My favorite AG GOTY ever would have to be Saige 2013 but Kanani 2011 and McKenna 2012 are close seconds. I chose Saige because I just love red heads and I received her for an achievement.

  2. That Doll you created is pretty much me. I love acting and soccer and find it hard to find time for both. then about a week ago i twisted my ankle.
