Sunday 10 April 2016

American Girl Sports Outfits

My AG dolls are superstars at sports except for Caroline (she is the fashionista of the family).  I love all of AG's athletic outfits but my favourite ones are the retired soccer outfit and the retired volleyball outfit (I have included pictures of each outfit below).  I love the soccer and the volleyball outfit because they are both my favourite sports and they look similar to what a soccer and volleyball outfit a professional athlete could wear.  My dolls played so many sports that eventually they had to choose no more then 3 sports that they were going to focus on. Remember, don't let anything or anyone stop you from doing that one thing you love. For example,  Emma did not make the soccer team this year and she was crushed but she swept up all those tears and now she is doing her best to get better by enrolling in more soccer training sessions.  I would love to go on and on about sports but I just remembered I have to leave in 5 minutes for Julie's basketball game. Wish Julie luck!  Blog to you later:D

Julie's retired basketball outfit-her bag is so cute!
AG retired volleyball outfit-it even comes with a white volleyball!

AG retired soccer outfit-it icludes black and white cleats, pink socks, white shin gaurds, a white and purple jersey with the number 2 on it, purple and pink shorts and a soccer ball!

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