Monday 22 February 2016

SNEAK PEEK: American Girl Doll Melody Ellison Revealed!

American Girl Doll Melody Ellison...sneak peek and discussion on CBS news today!  For more information about Melody and to see a behind-the-scenes of her world, click on link below. See is set to be released in the summer.  As an added bonus, there is a quick peek of the American Girl library too! 

Sunday 14 February 2016

Sneak Peek: American Girl 2016 Spring Release

Happy Valentine's Day!  This is a sweet treat for all my readers because I know you all love your AG sneak peeks!  Here are some of the AG 2016 spring release items (all items in US dollars). Enjoy!
  • ice cream cart-$85

  • spring breeze dress-$32
  • tennis ace outfit-$34


  • rainbow sprinkle outfit-$30
  • fun floral boots-$16
If I had to choose which item is my favourite based on the sneak peek, I would choose the ice cream cart because who wouldn't enjoy ice cream and other sweet treats, especially for your dolls!?!  If you had to choose an item which item would you choose?  Blog to you later:D

Friday 12 February 2016

A New Addition To Our American Girl Family Truly Me #37

I am thrilled to announce that a new member has joined my AG family and it is Truly Me #37.... Searra!  Searra's features include red feathered eyebrows, light skin, emerald green eyes, short straight strawberry red hair and the classic face mold with cute freckles.  Searra is a unique addition to my AG collection because she is the first doll in my collection to have short hair and lovely emerald green eyes.  Searra is no doubt one of the athletes in my AG family!  Searra absolutely loves swimming and surfing, but her biggest passion is playing volleyball (I think she gets her volleyball skills from me).  Searra can play a little rough with her sisters sometimes but she does not mean any harm since she has a big caring heart. 
#37 Searra
Even though Truly Me (TM) #37 has some features that are similar to Mia (GOTY 2008), they do have a lot of different features.  Here is my comparison between TM #37 and Mia.
Some similarities include:
they both have feathered eyebrows;
the classic face mold with freckles;
light skin;
and both have strawberry red hair.
Some different features include:
the lengths of hair - TM #37 has short shoulder length hair and Mia's hair length is just above the waist;
TM #37's hair is more straighter then Mia's hair has a slight wave at the ends;
Mia's eye colour is hazel with dominant green and TM #37's eye colour is emerald green;
TM #37's lip shade is a little darker then Mia's;
and they both have feathered eyebrows but in different shades of red -  Mia's eyebrow colour is more of a orange/red shade while TM #37's shade is more brown/red.

If you had a choice who would you choose to purchase, Mia or TM #37?  Blog to you later:D

Mia is on the right side and Searra is on the left side of the picture.