Thursday 26 February 2015

G'day Mate!

I was talking to my dolls and they said they would like to go on a vacation.  They all had different ideas but finally we decided on Australia. Everyone was packing at the same time. It was so chaotic with all the girls running around to get their stuff. We were on the plane and it was nice except all the noise the girls were making, I'm surprised we didn't get kicked off the plane.  We were at the hotel and our room was incredible but my favorite part was the view of the beach.  I think the girls just liked jumping on the bed.  After we unpacked our suitcases and finally settled in, I realised it was almost time for dinner. We quickly changed into our "vacation" clothes (summer wear) and went down to the hotel restaurant.  We all decided to order pizza, cesar salad and garlic bread (Caroline's pick!).  We ate so fast...I guess we were hungry after the long flight.  The restaurant service was also really good there.  When we got back to the hotel room, the girls were tired so we all went to bed.

 The next day we went to the beach but only Emma, Kanani and Isabelle went in the water.  Julie and Caroline just played in the sand.  After we took showers at the hotel, we went headed off to our scheduled safari adventure down under.  We saw so many animals like koala bears, zebras and tigers.  Kanani was loving it because she is a huge fan of animals!  At the end of the day, we all went to bed early as we were so tired.  The next day,  we went to a Australian themed party at the beach.   The host dancers called all the kids up to participate on stage but none of my girls wanted to go.  Then, all of a sudden, I saw Isabelle dancing and I think she might of stole the spotlight! Wow! She has got some great moves. The rest of the day, we just lounged on the beach and relaxed.   After all that fun in the sun, the girls fell a sleep right away once we got back to the hotel room.  For the next couple of days, we toured Sydney and just loved it!

It was now our last day but the girls were sad!  They didn't want to leave and go back to the cold wintery weather just yet.  The truth is...I didn't want to leave either.  We headed to the beach for our last blast of fun.  You will never guess what was the daily activity on the beach!?!?!?  It was Hawaiian theme day and there was a luau!  Awesome! It was so much fun and Kanani was overjoyed!

After the long flight back home, we got off the plane and were back to the snowy weather.  Once we arrived home, the girls just headed inside and went straight to bed.  They just couldn't deal with the weather change so fast.  They wanted to keep the memories of Australia alive as long as possible even if some of the memories were really only dreams :)

Sunday 22 February 2015

My Favourite American Girl Snow Outfit

As I sit here looking out my window at the snow falling, I think about American Girl and what I wish my doll could wear outside in the snow.....
If I had to choose my favourite AG snow outfit it would probably be...the snowy chic outfit.  I chose the snowy chic outfit because it looks so cozy for your doll and it is pink!  It is a retired outfit from American Girl.  Even though I do not have this outfit, it is still my favourite AG outfit.  I have posted a photo down below(modelled by My American Girl Doll #28) so you can see what the outfit looks like. The outfit comes with a pink winter hat with pom poms, pink mittens with fur trim, white furry boots with a pink bow, a white jumper that zips at the neck with a pink belt and a pink unitard.  I have a question for you, what is your favourite AG snow outfit?

 If you have any suggestions on what I should write about next, you can just comment it down below.  Blog to you later :)

Doesn't it look so cozy!

Saturday 14 February 2015


Happy Valentine's Day to all the AG fans!  Today I have received this cute AG Summer Isle outfit and the accessories as a gift.  Isabelle was begging me to try it on and eventually I gave in and let her. Here is a picture of  Isabelle and the outfit.  She was so overjoyed that she did the splits!  I think this outfit suits Isabelle so well with her flowing caramel/blondish hair and hazel eyes.

Wednesday 11 February 2015

AG Sneak Peek BeForever Spring Outfits

Extra!  Extra!  American Girl Sneak Peek of the 2015 spring outfits for BeForever Dolls and Girls is now available on Pinterest.  Follow the link below!

I have posted a couple of my favorites for you right here!  The first one is Rebecca sporting a purple, pink and white outfit.  So cute!  The second one features Julie with her sporty skateboarding outfit.  I would of thought that Julie would have had a roller skating outfit instead because in her book, it says that she liked roller skating.  Maybe a new hobby for her!
